Local Government Integrated Weed Management

Western Australian communities enjoy a diverse range of parks, bushland reserves, and public and pedestrianised areas in towns and cities. 

Did you know that it’s Local Governments that look after many of those public spaces, and that includes the management of weeds and unwanted species? Local Governments bring a wealth of innovation and experience to weed management, using a variety of techniques to keep unwanted plants away from our public spaces.

From suppressing weeds from growing, to non-chemical control methods and investigation of new approaches, they are pro-active in finding effective solutions. Find out more below about how local governments are helping sustain, protect, and manage our public spaces.

Integrated Weed Management in WA Local Government

From suppressing weeds from growing, to non-chemical control methods and investigation of new approaches, they are pro-active in finding effective solutions.  Find out more below about how local governments are helping sustain, protect, and manage our public spaces.

Local Government Integrated Weed Management Working Group

Local Governments undertake weed management in natural areas, parks and reserves, streetscapes and urban landscapes, and road reserves.  Weed management is needed to meet the regulatory requirements under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, protect biodiversity, reduce bushfire risk, reduce damage to infrastructure, and meet community expectations for the amenity and aesthetics of local areas.

WALGA convenes a Local Government Integrated Weed Management Working Group. The Working Group aims build the capacity of Local Governments to deliver effective weed management programs that are in accordance with regulatory requirements, informed by data and supported by local communities. The Working Group has produced fact sheets to assist the community to understand Local Government weed control approaches:

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