Spontaneous volunteers in Emergency Management - Information Session

Published on:
Monday, 20 November, 2023
Emergency Management

Join Volunteering WA for an insightful information session tailored specifically for Emergency Services Organisations and Volunteer Involving Organisations. This session will delve into the latest research on the phenomenon of spontaneous volunteering, explore the unique lifecycle of such engagement and profound impact they have on communities and emergency responses.

This information session aims to share the latest research and insights from interview participants who have firsthand experience in the field, sharing challenges they have faced, and lessons learnt in working with spontaneous volunteers.

Volunteering WA recognises that natural hazards are an inherent part of the Western Australian landscape and a risk that we must manage and cope with. As part of the National Disaster Risk Reduction (NDRR) 2022-23 Grant, Volunteering WA is developing a Spontaneous Volunteer Management System for WA.

This information session offers an opportunity to enhance your organisation's engagement with spontaneous volunteers and to learn and contribute to developing practices in this dynamic and vital area of volunteer engagement. 

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